I thought it might be interesting to post some of my older work to see how it compares, stands up to, resembles or differs from what I'm doing right now. Easier said than done, as I had to poke about my house for pieces I could photograph with my digital camera. I have old slides and photos - but I've not conquered scanning them into my computer.
The large ( 36"x48") painting: "Beadie's Back" was painted in 1987. The year before I had suffered a fractured skull and severe concussion in a riding accident which meant months of slow recovery. When I returned to my job (grants writer and program director for a NY arts council), I realized I was fast approaching terminal burn-out. I had made only three paintings in ten years! I couldn't stop thinking about how my life had nearly ended, and I'd never really been the artist inside me.
The summer of '87 I was able to spend two weeks at Penland School of Crafts in North Carolina having an art and life choices R&R. The class I wanted to take was full, so I ended up in a non-traditional basketry group, but I quickly learned that it didn't matter what the class was, however, because the entire atmosphere at Penland was charged with creativity. I never spent two more enjoyable weeks in my life. Everything about the experience was wonderful from the people I met to the fun of staying in a dorm to the food, to the breathtaking mountain setting. (There's a link to Penland at right under "cool sites." If you have the opportunity to go there, don't miss it. It's a magical place that I highly recommend.)
Back in New York, I began to paint and draw like mad. Changes were coming.

Looking at these twenty-year old pieces made me realize that personal style comes through no matter the subject, no matter the influence, no matter the size or medium. How 'bout that?
I've always loved "Beadie's Back".
First time to your site. I came through Roy's blog.
...I love your artwork!!
As a lover of animals, and as a lover of art, your work is like coffee and cream to me on a Sunday morning. I collect cat art... well, my three cats demand that I collect cat art. I love "Beadie's Back," especially hearing the story regard the time of its creation.
Thank you for the comment on my site... "he's a keeper" - it made me smile.
Your work, I know, as I intend to return, is going to inspire me, make me remember, make me ponder, make me slow down and recognize beauty. I'm excited to find you.
Oh I thought I'd put a comment on this one. Must have disappeared up its own bottom or something. I swear the internet has a big bottom with lots of my lost stuff in it. Anyway! I wanted to say how much I love this cat picture. WOnderful! I love the blurry look of it, like an action shot of the cats in mid boxing :)
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