Saturday, November 21, 2009

Two Small Pieces

Draped in Fur, 3 x 18, acrylic on vintage chair harp (sold)

I'm working on my next large commission, so I've only energy enough at night to sit on my couch and paint small things for myself. Here are a couple I painted this past week. The chair harp pieces seem to sell as fast as I can paint them. If I can't find a source for the harps, I'll have to start cutting out my own shapes on the bandsaw. The only problem with that is the vintage harps are shaped in a shallow "S" curve to fit a person's spine. This shape adds much to the character of each figure. My pieces would have to be cut from flat wood stock.

I took this to Sautee Gallery for the Holiday show - and it sold the same day.
If only that were always the case!!

Sitting Pretty will go to the Heritage Center tomorrow where I'll be demonstrating and working the sales counter. I'm borrowing a friend's car as mine will be staying home waiting for my mechanic.

Sitting Pretty, 10 x 12, acrylic on panel $58.00 (Sold)


Leslie Hawes said...

When I saw the chair harp I thought that she, surrounded by cats, had to be the goddess of canopeners!
A fun painting!

Patrice said...

Ha ha - Leslie I humbly bow to the goddess of can openers for she caused me to bring her into being. Perhaps she'll magically feed a few of my brood...

Jeane Myers said...

I can see why your chair harps sell right away - they are wonderful - Happy thanksgiving Patrice :)

Mrs Mac said...

WONderful! And, oh my- you're doing a SERIES of kitty paws???? AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! I want! I want!

DJ said...

Oh, Patrice, you know I LOVE your chair harp paintings!
And, for a cat-lover like myself, this one meets expectations and then some...
{If you actually do run out of chair harps, is there a wood-worker/carpenter who can help get that lumbar curve for you?}

Anonymous said...

Sitting Pretty was way undersold.