I'm finally feeling almost myself. Geez, that was a terrible virus. I think it was actually two different bugs fighting over who would have my head!
Here's what I've been doing when I could get up a bit of energy and enthusiasm...
My continuing fascination is not just those birds but tornadoes/cyclones/thunderstorms, the amazing clouds formations therein, and the fury and drama they create upon this planet. In a continuation of my Black Bird/Wind themes, I spent one wretched evening working on the drawing below when I was too ill to paint. Last night and tonight I worked on the painting (above) and I think it's finished though I'll have to look upon it with fresh eyes in the daylight tomorrow before I can be sure.

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a detail of a painting in progress, promising to post the entire painting. Here it is - still in progress, but much further along. The sky and background are nearly finished as is the water. I'm going for a swampy Everglades sort of waterway; the kind that are navigated by those fan or wind-propelled boats. I've still much refining to do on the three white birds, the crowned crane and the foreground foliage. My camera has exaggerated the colors, the actual background being more subdued.

I've not been the sort who plans out paintings; often not doing any studies beforehand; preferring to draw images or shapes directly onto the surface with paint. But for this painting, I actually did a small mock-up as the composition is deceptively simple and yet not at all classical. I knew I was going to paint it rather large
(it's 30x 35) and I wanted to be certain to get the proportions right - right being what was half-formed in my head before I started.
I'm working to capture a mood and to tell a little tale. Don't we all of us look askance upon an interloper - a stranger garbed in finery greater than our own?
I hope to finish this one tomorrow during my "make up day" volunteering at the gallery. Being sick for two weeks really put me behind.

And just for fun, look what sprang out at me from the thrift store: A bobble crow! Nothing sinister about this fellow. He's made of painted stuffed cloth, an old bedspring, and a block of wood painted with the pithy saying: A wise crow reaps what you sow... and images of corn and watermelon. I didn't know crows had a fondness for watermelon?
I had to have him. Pensive fellow, isn't he?
Hi Patrice - glad you are feeling better - birds are my heart, so your bird paintings I find so wonderful - the thrift store find is just amazing-what an interesting piece
Beautiful work and I am especially taken with the sketch.
Yeah, dramatic for sure. Expressive, full of action and very original.
Good work! I especially like the first paintig of the crows and the tornado. This reminds me of the work of one of the artists Stephen King used to illustrate his Dark Tower books.
I'm glad you're recovering from the bug.
I'm glad you are feeling better. I just read the other day that it has been found that you can indeed have two of those nasty viruses at once. Lovely, eh? It seems you have still managed to be inspired, all the same. The bobble crow is simply wonderful! What a find.
Hi Patrice, keep taking care of yourself. My husband and I had something from first week in Jan until now, because it had a Part II! Enjoying your work!
Thank you to all my online friends for your well wishes. I'm convinced they helped!! I'm feeling almost back to (ha) "normal."
Great Paintings!! Sehr mystisch die Krähenbilder!!I really like your work...
at most of all i like the crows..
greetings from germany
Hello Hukwa - I cannot speak German, but the artwork on your blog is fascinating... Thanks for becoming a follower.
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