A few days ago, Roy Hilbinger of Roy's World posted a fantastic photograph of a perching crow . That crow was just begging to be painted and I asked if he'd allow me to render an interpretation. Roy generously obliged and here's my painting. It's small for me - 8 x 10 - as are most of my bird series works. My next gallery show isn't until December and I hope to have a whole flock of these small paintings to show together.

I ran off a copy on my printer to work from, but it didn't have the amazing detail of Roy's beautiful image. I didn't think that was a problem as I don't necessarily seek an exacting rendering - usually going more for a mood or an implied story. Today was my day to demonstrate at the Heritage Center so I worked on the crow, having only my print to work from.
Tonight is the first time I've put the two images side by side in this format, and I can see I've a couple of corrections to make. I've not gotten the beak just right nor the crow's feet, as I couldn't see the detail in my reproduction. I think the tree needs a little work too.
Obviously I've altered the background - and faked the tail. I love how this fellow looks as if he is gathering himself, ready to soar off into yonder blue.
Great brushwork. Nice touch with the birds in the background.
I like the painting as is. The flock in the background creates an uneasy feeling about these tenacious birds. I doubt anyone who has seen Hitchcock's immortal film, The Birds, or studied Van Gogh's last painting or read Poe's, The Raven can come away feeling any other way about these creatures. I think what you've done is added another reminder that our relationship with the crow is mixed with strange emotions and metaphors about ourselves.
It's perfect as is! Wonderful!!
I love the black bird series. Capturing something that's entirely black is such an exercise in...I don't know...how optics really work? Subtlety? Something like that. Anyway,this is a particularly excellent piece.
Heh, heh! I'm gonna have to go back down to Bellevue Ave. and tell my good buddy there that he's been immortalized on canvas. Great portrait, Patrice!
Love the blue tones you've got in his feathers. He has such presence.
Beautiful job I love the blue/black tones.
Loving this
Thank you, all! I needed some kind words this week.
Y'all are special!
I like the high viewpoint of this. Can just hear the crows cawing to each other. Great painting!
I used to have a pet crow (named Crawford)many years ago. Very interesting birds.
A brilliant rendering. Nothing to choose between the two. Different, but equivalent.
Please check out my blog, Patrice. I have something for you.
Boy, let me join this Patrice fan bandwagon! I love how you took artistic liberty which resulted in such an ominous yet beautiful painting. I'm a fan now!
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